Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Submitted Picture from Jeff

Jeff, from Illinois, sent in a picture of his new "Seeing the Elephant" figure.  You can see how it fits in with other current figures in the above picture (ours is the figure to the far right). 

Thanks Jeff!  Good looking battle line you have there!

Remember, we are still running our special that gets you a FREE bag of plastic Confederates when you purchase our new metal "Seeing the Elephant" figure. 

Cunnyngham Confederate Infantry
Thanks so much for all your support!  The orders have been coming in pretty steady over the past couple months since we released our first metal figure.  I appreciate your willingness to give it a try, even though I know most of you are plastic die-hards. 

Also, if you're in the area, remember the Texas Toy Soldier Show this coming weekend.  It's always an awesome time, and always great stuff to add to your collection.  Also, on that link, check out the new O.K. Corral figures coming from TSSD. 

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