Saturday, May 14, 2011

LoC's "Civil War Faces", and an Update

From Library of Congress "Civil War Faces"
It's things like this that make the Internet actually worth all the fuss.  The Library of Congress has a wonderful collection of photos on Flickr, and one of their showcases is the "Civil War Faces".  Almost 700 images of Civil War soldiers are included, most wearing uniforms and holds various types of weaponry.

I've been away from the blog lately, but I've been working on a few things.  We're always looking and evaluating how to best go about getting more sculpts done, and how to get them into your collection without either you or us going broke in the process.

We do have another sculpt ready to go, and we can release it at anytime, but we're still getting orders for our first metal figure, and we'd love to completely sell out before releasing the next one. 

Rock on, and check out those pictures from the Library of Congress.

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